Effective intercultural communication is essential for smooth and successful operations. Communication, although challenging itself, is even more problematic when dealing with clients, vendors, communities, or overseas counterparts who are from a culture different than our own. Cultural risk is just as important as financial and political risk.

My intercultural training courses will raise your cultural awareness and enable you to communicate effectively across cultures.

Cultural mistakes can cost you! Being prepared and knowing a few things about culture can save you and your company a lot of money.

Thanks to this intercultural communication skills training you will:

·         Provide you with in-depth cultural awareness and understanding of the impact of cultural differences

·         Provide you with practical tools to reduce cross-cultural misunderstanding and encourage positive cross-cultural working relationships

·         Provide you with foundation and tools to become culturally sensitive and competent

·         Teach you how to create an efficient communication with your target audiences

·         Develop a positive relationship with external publics

·         Help you bring new perspectives to problem-solving

·         Enhance responsiveness to customer needs in the global marketplace

·         Increase overall productivity and profitability

·         Provide you with better understanding of the cultural challenges facing multicultural workplaces

·         Help you understand communication dynamics

·         Teach you how to deal with assumptions

·         Teach you how to work with differing points of view

·         Help you understand patterns, habits and beliefs

Intercultural communication skills training programme:

·         Cultural awareness and intelligence

·         The role of cultural stereotypes

·         Culture - values​​, norms and attitudes

·         Communication styles

·         Intercultural communication skills

·         Culture and communication pitfalls

·         Culture and verbal communication

·         Culture and nonverbal communication

·         Developing cultural awareness

·         Conflict resolution - negotiation and mediation

·         Characteristics of multicultural teams


Szkolenie prowadzi dr Michał Chmielecki. Profesjonalny negocjator. Trener z 15-letnim doświadczeniem. Autor bestsellera “Techniki negocjacji i wywierania wpływu”.

Do jego klientów należą firmy z list Fortune 500 oraz Rzeczpospolita 100 oraz najważniejsze instytucje państwowe w tym Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych.

Skontaktuj się ze mną już dziś, aby szczegółowo omówić swoje potrzeby dotyczące tego szkolenia lub poznać ofertę dla firm.

Szkolenie realizuję również w formule online. Zapraszam do kontaktu:

Tel.: 693794025

E-mail.: lub skorzystaj z formularza